May 13th, 2024

The 2024 GOP Convention was certainly disappointing. It was disorganized, dysfunctional and full of behavior that no classroom in the state would allow. What an unfortunate model of democracy in action for our school children to observe.

Delegates represent 0.16% of the voting public yet they have an enormous impact on the selection of Utah candidates. Large numbers of state delegates were booing candidates, including Governor Cox, shouting down candidates trying to make their case and yelling obscenities. The vast majority of our state yearns for civility, cooperation, respect and dignity in our government. How disappointed would our forefathers be if they could witness the Utah GOP convention.

It's time for some change. People who run for office do so with great personal sacrifice. No matter what their views, they deserve to be heard and respected. None of them should have to submit themselves to that kind of treatment.

Alternatives could include 1) dramatically reduce the number of signatures necessary to get on the primary ballot, so good people can get on the primary ballot without excessive costs and completely bypass the conventions, 2) move to open primaries where all voters can participate in the selection of candidates on the primary ballot, and 3) ranked choice voting where a lot of candidates can enter a primary and we come out with a winner receiving a majority vote.

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  • Stay tuned: As we get closer to the primary, we will keep you informed on the issues and candidates crucial to education in Utah on our social media channels and through email updates like this one.

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